I managed to get out of bed and staggered towards the window for the shutter to unlock it.
The early morning sun greeted me with its sparkling rays upon opening the window. At this juncture, I became fully conscious of my environment and the situation I overslept myself into. Accordingly, I dashed to the table for my brush and toothpaste and hurried to the kitchen for a glass of water. In the space of two minutes, I was done with my dental hygiene. I almost slipped and fell when I rushed to get water for my bath.
At exactly 8 am, I was at the dinning table for my breakfast. After saying a short quick grace, I gobbled up a reasonable quantity of the jollof rice mum served me in less than five minutes. I almost forgot to thank her after the meal; I remembered this after taking about five steps away from the dinette and then shouted the gratitude at her.

One Bad Habit (Part 1)

The sweet melody of my phone’s alarm blew, I knew it was time for me to wake up and start the morning devotion as usual before I began to face the reality of the day. But I felt as though I’ve not ‘known’ sleep for a week, my eyes got heavier as I tried to lift myself up from the bed.
At this juncture, I quickly realised that I’m paying for my uncontrolled indulgence in the use of my phone. I had browsed every nook and cranny of the internet the night before till 4 am when my phone went dead and inevitably forced me to retire to bed.
Meanwhile, I have to be at work by 8 am but it’s gone past 7 am by 25 minutes and I’m still struggling to make up for the hours of sleep I bargained away. The hustle and bustle by my cousin who was awake trying to get himself prepared for work did not deter me.Kpo!kpo!!kpo!!! was a knock at the window, “Anny, ain’t you going to work today?” That was my mum; “I will,” I replied sleepily.


Tired or not tired, weak or not weak, you can always do a thing when you know it must be done. This is when you fully understand the implication of procrastination. If you still want to hear from me, then I’ll not hesitate to tell you: Procrastination is the grave where many great opportunities are buried.



It takes little effort to give a smile but the resultant effect of it is always great.
A sincere and well-meaning smile can do the unimaginable.
It can speak for you when you’re tired or not in the mood to do so.
It spares you of those long, boring and awkward phrases you would have concocted to form a sentence.
It can help strengthen the bond of your relationship.
It tells others what you could not summon up the courage to tell them.
It can change a seemingly bad situation to good as it gives you time to recapture your confidence.
It enlivens not only the facial expression but the whole body as it penetrates into the heart.
A smile cost nothing as the giver is at no loss.
A sincere smile is priceless and invaluable
None are so rich that can go without a smile.
And none are so poor that cannot afford it.
Always be free and liberal in giving a smile, for surely there’s more to it than meet the eyes!